Austria | A vacation in a holiday park is particularly ideal
for families. As parents you can lean back and relax whilst your kids
are taken care of your hands and are fully entertained.
Austria | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and eventful holiday.
Austria | Would you like to travel with the entire family and spend an undisturbed time in an own holiday house? These holiday houses in Austria can accommodate up to 10 people!
This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Sankt Kathrein am Hauenstein
5.0 out of 5
An atraveo-customer wrote on 04/09/2014 in Dutch, travel period: August 2014
“Ratten is een klein dorpje. Maar de belangrijkste dingen zijn er, zoals een supermarkt, bakker, slager.Er is zelfs een zwembad.
Er zijn mooie wandelingen te maken in de omgeving. Vanuit het huis kun je te voet de Maanwandeling maken. Deze is echt gaaf! Info hierover ligt in het huis in de activiteitenklapper.”
atraveo customer Familie Heck wrote on 24/09/2012 in German, travel period: August 2012
“Wenn man dem Massentourismus aus dem Weg gehen will, ist man hier genau richtig. Man hat tolle Natur um sich herum und muss trotzdem auf nichts verzichten.”
An atraveo-customer wrote on 19/05/2009 in German, travel period: May 2009
“Kleiner gemüdliches ca. 4 km entferner Ört. Hier kann man ganz gut Essen z. B. frisches Wild aus den heimischen Wäldern im Rattinger Hof - Schlüsselaus-gabestelle. In der Gegend von St. Kathrein befindet man sch fast auf den Spuren des Heimatdichters Peter Roseggers - Waldheimat”